For too long the media has painted all black men in a negative way. However, black men are much more than they are portrayed to be. Above all else, they are normal people. My hope is to encourage all black men who are making the effort to be good people and to educate others who may have the wrong perception about who they are. I also want to give these men an opportunity to communicate to society how they feel about being subjected to prejudice. This way, we can all appreciate the same men I have come to know, love and cherish.
Allow me to introduce the black man to you. See him, hear him, listen to what he has to say. Allow him to live and breath as you do.
He too is a son, he too is a father, a coach, an athlete, a dreamer, a goal chaser and someone with a future. He is just a man the color of night, not meant to be feared, hated or erased.