The Her Voice project is about HER for HER. Following the abductions and murders of Andrea Bharrat, Ashanti Riley and many other women in Trinidad and Tobago, citizens from across the nation have demonstrated their frustration with the way gender-based violence is handled in the country. The Her Voice Project will aim to amplify the voices of women, their concerns and ideas. If you’ve never asked her how she feels and how she wants to be treated, here is your opportunity to listen.

"Surprisingly, I've never been asked directly how I feel about the issue or about the changes that I'd like to see... so thank you for this platform to share my piece!

I'm disgusted, I'm tired, I'm fed-up and I've now become obsessed with finding ways to protect myself as a young woman... in my own home country. Using public transportation and shopping on my own has become a BURDEN.

As much as I hope for a change in the hearts and minds of criminals in this country, as much as I want to see them turn from their wicked ways... what I want to see most is persons placing extra emphasis into the way in which we raise the next generation. Let's teach them right from wrong! Let's teach young boys how to treat women and vice versa... let's raise strong minded individuals who will be able to make our future society much safer than the one we're currently in! 

John F. Kennedy stated, "Children are the living messages we send to a time we cannot see." What's the living message we're sending right now?

As a woman, I want to be respected, it's the bare minimum and it's sad that I have to beg for it! Don't prey on me and my sisters, respect me, show me love, look out for me... and don't expect favors in return. Just leave me in peace... to go home to my family, after a long day of work. Leave me in peace, to get to my family gathering alive." 


"Surprisingly, I've never been asked directly how I feel about the issue or about the changes that I'd like to see... so thank you for this platform to share my piece!

I'm disgusted, I'm tired, I'm fed-up and I've now become obsessed with finding ways to protect myself as a young woman... in my own home country. Using public transportation and shopping on my own has become a BURDEN.

As much as I hope for a change in the hearts and minds of criminals in this country, as much as I want to see them turn from their wicked ways... what I want to see most is persons placing extra emphasis into the way in which we raise the next generation. Let's teach them right from wrong! Let's teach young boys how to treat women and vice versa... let's raise strong minded individuals who will be able to make our future society much safer than the one we're currently in! 

John F. Kennedy stated, "Children are the living messages we send to a time we cannot see." What's the living message we're sending right now?

As a woman, I want to be respected, it's the bare minimum and it's sad that I have to beg for it! Don't prey on me and my sisters, respect me, show me love, look out for me... and don't expect favors in return. Just leave me in peace... to go home to my family, after a long day of work. Leave me in peace, to get to my family gathering alive." 


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